Performing a stunt

This is a story for Friday Fictioneers, which is hosted by Rochelle. Every week you are challenged to write a 100 word story based on a photo.

Thanks to Jill Wisoff for this week’s photo and also to Rochelle for hosting the challenge.

Thanks to all the readers for their time, too.


It was the beginning of a new ending.

Industrial revolution — they had named it, then.

Today we are suffering… struggling for clean air.  Fresh clean air is a luxury only rich can afford, middle class can manage and the poor die.

My daughter hasn’t seen the outside world, yet. She is 3 and suffers from breathing problem.

Today is not my lucky day. The oxygen mask is selling in black — that calls for some action. I’ll be performing a stunt… without safety masks.

My lungs would be exposed to the thick toxic air but I will survive. I’m a stunt man.

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