The Humble Pizza

Barbara Beacham is the kind host of Monday’s Finish the Story. Every week a photo and the first sentence of the story is shared and the challenge is to finish the story in 100 – 150 words. Thanks Barbara for this week’s photo and the challenge.

Barbara Beacham

Copyright Barbara Beacham

Finish the story begins with:Pizza anyone?”

Everyone smiled as the waiter asked this question. Hank thought it was silly to take orders in such a manner. However, when the waiter stood near Hank and asked this question he answered in a yes.

The waiter showed him the way to a chair. A 6″ humble pizza with lots of cheese, olives, tomatoes and bacon was kept in front of him.

“This is our special pizza and is absolutely free,” said the waiter.

He sat to eat. The first bite was tasty…then, spicy and… then, hot. In five minutes time all his senses were surrendered to the hot sauce in the pizza.

In desperation he gestured for water.

“Sorry sir. No water. You’ve entered ‘The Wall of Pizza’. You can choose to run or finish.”

Hank stood up as his will power was paralyzed and thoughtfulness was clogged.

“Guys, we have another loser on the wall,” announced the waiter and everyone applauded.