Toiling the soil

This is a story for Friday Fictioneers, which is hosted by Rochelle. Every week you are challenged to write a 100 word story based on a photo.

Thanks to Connie Gayer for this week’s photo and also to Rochelle for hosting the challenge.

I’ll be out on a vacation for a week and will have no access to the net so I would like to apologize for the delay in replying to your comments. Thanks to all the readers for reading and commenting. See you’ll next week. 🙂

PHOTO PROMPT © Connie Gayer

“Grandda! Grandda! Look, green leaf!” I clapped my hands and said. He tilled the soil, watered and nurtured the plants.

I remember sprinkling some beans, thinking of getting a beanstalk of my own like Jack. But none showed up.

It’s raining. Best time for the plants. I see them smile or I feel so.

The peas, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants and other colourful flowers are all dancing with joy in my small garden. Toiling the soil is hard but he taught me well.

I still remember him say, “work hard on the soil, nurture the plants and enjoy its fruits.”


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