
Structures that I found

A structure of faith. Outside every Buddhist monastery I’ve seen these small stone structures. The first time I saw it, I was really amazed at it.

A structure in nature’s work. I was caught by this leaf as it was flushing with colour red and it’s veins reminded me of human veins (just using a bit of my exaggerated imagination, here )… red flowing with blood, energy and life.

An edible structure…ready to be devoured.


A man made structure that has seen much of time, and yet it stands.

And yet another structure created at the hands of nature.

In the end, a beautiful structure — a flower, that always makes my heart smile… no matter how the days are.





Tiny from above

In the garden, I saw a flower.


Upon walking further, I saw a ladybird clinging to a wild flower.clinging to a flower

And then, I thought what could be tiny – the flower or the lady bird or a small insect that I now saw feasting on a green leaf.


But then I thought why ask this question. From somewhere above, the sun too would appear small, the earth too would look smaller and the life in it would appear tiny. From somewhere above we all would look like tiny specks of lights.


Beauty is everything

Gone are the days of old cameras when they had limited film rolls. With the advent of digital cameras and even camera phones photography is not only easy but fun.

For an amateur photographer like me, it means to be able to click without any after or before thoughts attached to the moment.

I had my own myths related to photography…like you need to travel (possibly to the best of the locations), you need to capture beautiful things or should I say perfect things only. But I have broken my own myth shell.

Now I’ve understood that you can click amazing photos without traveling as well. Although, if you travel that’s great and if you don’t then don’t let your photography skills catch rust. Just take out your gadget and start clicking – remember it’s a digital camera, what can go wrong with that. Nature itself gives us a variety of things and sometimes it’s not perfect.

I not only look for inspiration in the most beautiful and perfect things but also mundane and imperfect ones. Now, I just like to capture anything as I see beauty in everything… beauty is everything.

I was getting an HTTP error while uploading some photos. Can anyone help me with this? 🙂


On My Way

Determination alone cannot catapult you to achieving your goals. I realized this as I was quite determined to start my walks a few days back. Although determination being a strong contender I was still unable to find a suitable time for my walks.

I had been wanting to go walking – mornings or evenings, it didn’t matter. I just wanted it back in my routine.

Wanting is not equivalent to willing. “I want to go for walks,” I kept saying to myself. I had scribbled “walking” for 8 or 9p.m. in my dairy. I kept looking at it day after day. In my mind’s track I would have already walked a mile. Determination was proving to be futile. The more I jumped on the determination boat, the waves of procrastination drived me back and I swallowed disappointment.

Everyday I stared at my dairy with a willpower so strong that I could feel the adrenaline rushing in my legs from my past walks. Now I had scribbled “walking” for 5 or 6 in the morning. For another few days the process was repeated – ogling at my dairy along with visualization. This time it was a little different as I said, “I will go for my walks.” I took it as a positive sign.

There was still a problem – I don’t get up before 6:30 or 7. I am a morning person but not an early riser.

red flower

Today, I finally did it. I got up at 5.30 a.m.

In the park, freshness of the morning greeted me with a red flower (bottle brush, I think). The bright colour added to its fresh look and suggested only one thing – will power. Seated on a throne of green leaves it smiled ready to begin its day. I knew it had spoken to me. Before the moment could melt away in time, I cast a clicking spell and froze it in my mobile. It was my reward for the day.

Inspired by this little reward I will surely go for a walk tomorrow and then day after tomorrow and… untill my will power wanes off. I’ll wait till today comes to an end and I begin another day with a fresh start – a new day, a new tomorrow.

Let’s see what else do I find tomorrow on my way to my morning walk.


Everyday is a fresh start

green (leaves) the colour of freshness

Fresh is the first ray of morning’s sun

Fresh is the sip of an early morning tea

Fresh is the smell of green grass under my feet

Fresh is the giggle of an innocent child

Fresh is the breeze that flows in the field

Fresh is the taste of a ripe tomato from my kitchen garden

Fresh is the sight of blue sky from my window

Fresh is the feel of cool water running down a stream

Fresh is the first shower of rain

stream running up and down struggling to stay fresh

The last time I looked at a grass it was bright green one day, light green the next, then pale yellow and finally wore a rustic brown. We are just like a blade of grass crossing all the stages of life. But never once I thought that the blade of grass had lost its freshness. It appeared fresh at every stage to me.


There is freshness embedded in every fold of life. If we think yesterday was the same as today and tomorrow will still be the same we might lose to stay fresh. I wonder how the sky has worn the blue garment forever and still looks fresh to us. Being mortals we might wither away some day that is inevitable but we can choose to begin everyday programming ourselves with the thought that – it is a fresh start, it is a new day.

bud – ready for a fresh start of its journey


Orange is more than a colour

An apple could keep the doctor away but an orange could brighten your day. I have a notepad and a pen in orange colour.  It helps me in my writing process specially during the dull moments.

During winters I like orange or yellow coloured curtains – they just lighten up the room. In the presence of sun they glow like an orange and in the absence of it… they are just orange. So, an orange is not just a colour…it is more than a colour. It could be a way of life if you have an orange juice everyday.


Five Days of Black&White

I would like to thank Lore from Snow’s Fissures and Fractures for nominating me for the “five days of black and white photography challenge”. This post was long due but as I was struggling with time I could not post earlier. However, as I now get to play along I’m really happy. 🙂

For day 1 I would like to share this photo.

rajnigandha flower buds

rajnigandha flower buds

Everyday is a new gift with new possibilities and endless realities. Life is sweet and fragrant only if you’d stop, to savour a moment’s beauty. I had bought the stem of rajnigandha flower on a rather sad day. But while photographing the buds I saw its beauty and felt happiness seep into my heart. Rajnigandha is one of my favourite flowers.

I would like to tag Della from The Passion Dew for this challenge. She is a brilliant photographer and I love her photos. I’m sure you’ll be glued to her blog once you are there.

I would love to see you participate. I would also totally understand if you would decide not to participate for any reason.

The rules of this challenge are:

  1. For 5 consecutive days create a post any past or present photo in black and white.
  2. Each day you invite a new photographer to join the fun.

New is New

After an old comes a new and then again it becomes old. But until the new becomes old, new should be enjoyed… as new is new.

A brand new pair of shoes and bag for…someone…on display.

A brand new pair of golden shoes and bag

We say good bye to the old and hi to the new. Fresh red leaves (poinsettia) greeting the year 2015.

red leaves and yellow flowers

My new colour pencils.

colour pencils

A new pen on blank sheets to write…mmh!…what, I don’t know, yet.

flower pen




Gibber-Jabber of a Story

She was holding a red watering can. The water from the can fell on the green leaves like tiny colourless bullets.

“Momme,” said a sweet voice and she turned to look at her little girl. “Yes, sugar,” said the mom.

“Flas, no flas… why no flas?” asked the five year old. The sentence – a broken speech – still, made sense to the mom. The small little fingers were now pointing towards a marigold plant.

“Sugar, momme needs to water them and take care of them.”

“Likes flas…want flas,” the little girl’s voice said with a little bit of sadness.

“Oh! My baby, come here,” said the mother and took her in her arms. “Now look, momme loves sugar and so….momme kisses her, reads stories for her, plays with her and then gives cookies to her. Yes.”

“Yes!” shouted her darling daughter.

“So, if you want flowers you’ll need to help momme.”

“How,” said the curious one.

“You’ll have to water the plant…” “…like momme,” interrupted the sweet voice.“Yes, but that’s momme’s job you are a big girl and you get a bigger job. Do you want to help momme?”

“Yes,” said the little girl.

“Then…first give momme a big kiss and then give a flying kiss to the plant.” The little girl obediently kissed her mom and then gave a flying kiss to the plant. The little girl now on her feet, started wandering in the garden. Her mom took the watering can and continued with her work.

The next day she could hear the sweet voice coming from the garden. She was a bit concerned as to whom her daughter was talking to. She ran in the direction of the voice. She was satisfied to see that her daughter was alone and not with any stranger.

“Sugar, what are you doing here? Mom was worried,” she said in a concerned voice. On approaching near she saw what her little girl was doing. Her daughter was holding a story book. It seemed, she was reading a story to the plant.

The mom leaned to kiss the daughter’s soft silky hair. She sat by the steps and watched her little girl read the story to the plant in her own gibber jabber language.