
Choosing – The State of Mind

In everyone’s life comes a day when things don’t go as desired and you desperately hope for it to change.It was on such day when I had taken this photo. I was tensed and depressed. My body reflected my state of mind as my shoulders had drooped down and my eyes were only making eye contact with the ground. After some time as I was walking and looking down I saw these bright flowers along the pathway. Looking at these flowers I felt that my lips were no longer tensed, and… still, unwillingly I was wearing a faint smile.

It was a moment to click a photo. After clicking I stood there as I gazed at these flowers and the coarse path. I realized that no matter how coarse the path be, there will be some bright flowers on some side of the pathway – ready to make you smile. It then becomes our choice – to look at it or ignore it; to smile at it or frown at it.


bright flowers along a coarse path

Why should I….

…stop hoping, when hope means so many things.


Hope is like the warmth of the sunlight, after a gloomy weather.

Hope is a promise of a new tomorrow.

Hope is the beginning of an early dawn.

Hope is like finding a comfortable house, when you get lost in the woods.


Hope is like getting fresh supplies of important things, when your supplies are over and out.

Hope is that end of the string that is endless.

Hope is that end of the shore which comes after a non ending horizon.

Hope is finding right pair of shoes for your outfit, for an important occasion.


Hope is the transformation of seed into a sapling, which later bears fruits and flowers.

Hope is a miracle to happen, sitting at a corner.

Hope is a strong desire to change things for betterment.

Hope is magical when nothing else works.


Hope is the only thing that keeps you fueled in the race of life.

Hope helps you to stem upwards, when the situations pull you downwards.

Hope is sometimes easy, and sometimes difficult.

Hope is sometimes a possibility, and sometimes a probability.


So, why should I stop hoping, when “hoping is the bright morning light after a dark dreary night”?

Food for my mind and soul

Food for my mind and soul.

Most of the times I have my timely meals in a day, and I wonder why do I have it?

Well! The simple answer will be to keep myself alive. But then I thought it’s not only that; it’s also to taste different things. Being a toddler the first thing we do is to see and listen and finally taste. I would say that a toddler starts tasting everything from edible to non edible items. Then slowly we start eating.

I have realized that the way eating keeps me alive, the same way reading keeps my mind alive.

When we go to kindergarten we get the taste of letters. Then as we grow old enough to read, we start tasting the edible and non edible items related to reading materials. Sometimes they would be funny cartoons and we just like the bright colours or sometimes it could be a story with a moral.

The whole idea is to keep on reading and eating all the knowledge that we gather throughout the course of our life. Unlike a healthy diet that we follow to keep or body fit we should read healthy to keep our mind healthy. We should try each and every cuisine but abstain ourselves from junk food. Or should I say too much of anything could be bad.

I could say that the pleasures of reading books are divine. I know I’m not being judged, but on the other hand I can judge a book or the cover of the book. I can say that I trust someone- and that someone can be a book. It will not leave me anywhere, as it sits quietly in my bag. I always keep a book in my bag. Whenever I’m lonely, alone or idle I simply take my book out of the bag and start reading. It is almost like a jinni getting out of the lamp. Books don’t cancel on you or judge you neither do they abandon you. They are just there.

They sit quietly at your shelves, waiting for their turn to be held by you and read by you. I like to read and nothing makes me feel better than that (of course something that makes my tummy feel better is chicken curry prepared by my mother). Therefore not a day goes by without reading, and so I can say that it is a food for my mind and soul.