
All that matters to me…

Should we miss people who are far away from us?

But why… or should I…?

We don’t tend to miss people who are always in our hearts and minds.

They dance in my thoughts and rejoice in my feelings.

Inspite the distance, I don’t feel the distance.

Inspite the absence, I don’t feel their absence.

I only feel the joy of them being there somewhere.

As I know, that they are safe, happy and healthy.

And that is all that matters to me.


Three Quotes Challenge – 3

I’ve been nominated again for the three quote challenge by Millie. She is a terrific blogger and an amazing author. If you’d want to know more about her, then just click at – Millie Thom. The rules of this challenge are as follows:

  1. Post one quotation a day for three days (they can be from other sources or one of your own).
  2. Nominate 3 other bloggers to participate per post.
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you.

I would like to pass the challenge to:

Suganiya Rassiah from Infinite Passion

Perpetua from The Seeker and

Heena Rathore P.

It could be a busy day but I hope they participate only if time permits them otherwise no worries. 🙂

quote 3

3 days, 3 quote

I would like to thank Millie Thom for passing the “3 days, 3 quote challenge” to me.

Here is my quote for day 2.


Day 2 quote

The rules of this challenge are very simple

1. Thank the person who nominated you.

2. Write a quote for three consecutive days. They can be your own quotes or a quote by someone.

3. Nominate 3 other people.

However, since I love quotes and they are fun to read and share; I am opening the nomination to all my reader friends. So, if you are reading this consider yourself nominated and if you are interested to share quotes then please make the post. Please don’t forget to link your post back to mine. Let your quote speak for 3 days. 🙂

3 days, 3 quote

First of all I would like to thank Millie Thom for passing the “3 days, 3 quote challenge” to me.

It is a new challenge in circulation and I’m glad to have been asked to participate. I love quotes. As a kid I had a diary in which I had written quotes. The diary would be circulated in the class and everyone would copy from it.

Quotes are the best way to motivate you during those sad and depressed moments of your life. Without much saying, it works like a best friend, guiding you through your trouble and also directing you to your desired path. I lost that dairy; I was careless in keeping it.

As I have always loved quotes, I again started collecting them when I started writing. This time I started writing my own quotes (you can read that in the thought matters section).

Day 1 Quote

Quote 1

Quotes are wonderful to read and fun to share. And so, I am opening the nomination to all my reader friends.

If you’d like to participate in this challenge then put up 1 quote each for three consecutive days. Please don’t forget to link your post back to mine. I’d love to hear your quotes. 🙂


Five Days of Black&White

I would like to thank Lore from Snow’s Fissures and Fractures for nominating me for the “five days of black and white photography challenge”. This post was long due but as I was struggling with time I could not post earlier. However, as I now get to play along I’m really happy. 🙂

For day 1 I would like to share this photo.

rajnigandha flower buds

rajnigandha flower buds

Everyday is a new gift with new possibilities and endless realities. Life is sweet and fragrant only if you’d stop, to savour a moment’s beauty. I had bought the stem of rajnigandha flower on a rather sad day. But while photographing the buds I saw its beauty and felt happiness seep into my heart. Rajnigandha is one of my favourite flowers.

I would like to tag Della from The Passion Dew for this challenge. She is a brilliant photographer and I love her photos. I’m sure you’ll be glued to her blog once you are there.

I would love to see you participate. I would also totally understand if you would decide not to participate for any reason.

The rules of this challenge are:

  1. For 5 consecutive days create a post any past or present photo in black and white.
  2. Each day you invite a new photographer to join the fun.