Happy New Year, Happy 2018!

Having a conversation with myself on the 1st day of this new year I thought of remembering the past year of what could be and what had been… and then I thought… what’s the point?

The past has already slipped away giving me sweet and sour memories. I already bade farewell to the wonderful day and year yesterday. I said my thank yous to the year 2017 yesterday.

Today is 2018 and so it is a new day of this new year. It is a fresh start of the year. It is a new day of the dawn. It is already a beginning of a new chapter in the book.

Since it is the new day of the new year I’m already thinking of the newer things that I’ll be doing…newer achievements I’ll be celebrating…newer relationships I’ll be making… newer paths I’ll be treading.

On this day, today, I’ll also like to wish all my blogger friends “A Very Happy New Year”.

Wishing all a year filled with happiness, good health, prosperity, peace and abundance.

Welcome 2018!

To Many Bright And Beautiful Tomorrows

