The place to be

This is a story for Friday Fictioneers, which is hosted by Rochelle. Every week you are challenged to write a 100 word story based on a photo.

Thanks to J Hardy Carroll for this week’s photo and also to Rochelle for hosting the challenge.

Thanks to all the readers for their time, too.

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

There was fun and laughter… excitement and jolly rides. It was the place to be at. I missed my bus. I was late.

The place to be… I stand looking for my wife and daughter.

The amusement park now a scene of chaos and confusion… bodies lay on the grass.

I look at… a photo of theirs… I cannot understand what is shaking vigorously — the photo or my hands or the earth. My photo gets moist without any rain. The sun is hot but my tears have filled me with an iciness. I stand. There is no fun and laughter.