High Heat

I started cooking and it was a disaster.

Mom cooked on slow heat, and I wanted it quick so the flames were high.

high flames

high flames

High heat was my style of cooking.

It was quick.

The food quality was – burnt.

Still food was served, and everyone ate with a smile.

Lesson was learnt and so I’d let food simmer in low heat.

But there also, a problem arose.

I forgot about cooking until a slow burning smell would touch my nose.

It would make me run to kitchen.

Thank God! I’d say the food was not yet burnt.

When served everyone ate with great pleasure.

fish curry

fish curry

Sure the food would be good to taste, I thought.

OMG! I forgot to add salt to taste.

What would any food be without any sprinkle of salt?

It would certainly not be good, I thought.

