

Yellow to me is a magical colour – the dust sparkles of a fairy. Forget fairytales in a gloomy weather a bright yellow colour of traffic light or t-shirt or mug is enough to cheer me up. Any flower has the power to bring smile to our faces but not like a yellow sunflower. Yellow to me stands for happiness, energy, positivity, warmth, sun, halo, enlightenment and gold (how can I miss that). I always carry a yellow smiley ball in my bag. Firstly it reduces stress if I have any during the day and secondly I just like to take it out and smile at it.

A bunch of yellows to enjoy.

yellow light

yellow light

Yellow and black

Yellow and black

shinning yellow

shinning yellow

golden yellows and velvety reds

golden yellows and velvety reds

yellow christmas ball

yellow christmas ball

Two Cranes for Eternity

We were sitting on a bench by the pond. There were water lilies – pink and white – that had lifted up from the water. The gentle breeze touched their soft petals and guided their sweet fragrance to us. There were some ducks by the pond. They were busy soaking themselves in water. Ripples were added to the water as they swam.

My hands fit perfectly in your hands. Its warmth gave life to my soul. My head found a nice resting place on your shoulder – strong, yet fragile. I wished for this day to continue forever like a circle…never ending and always going.

From somewhere two cranes flew and landed by the pond. They were lost or so it seemed. But they didn’t care as they were lost…lost in each other. And all they cared for – were each other.

The sun, glowed a mild orange glow and the birds were flying back home. We got up and just like the birds started walking towards our home…our hands still tied together.

Nothing could separate us; nothing would separate us. We were at the final steps of our lives. We had seen it all and there was nothing we feared…except, for the fear of losing our souls.

Walking, we were, when all of sudden a lamppost stood in front of us trying to block our paths…trying to separate us into two. I didn’t lose your gentle grasp. Walking past the lamppost, with a soft smile on my face I said, “I will never leave you.” “I know,” he said. I could see my smile reflecting in his eyes as they twinkled with love for me. Now we were lost like the two cranes for eternity. We were lost in each other’s eyes and just like the cranes… we had no concern for our surroundings. We were locked in time and space in each other’s eyes.


Glow n’ Glitter

For this week’s photo challenge, “Twinkle” – I bring twinkle with a dash of glow n glitter.


Father you are my light, you are my soul

Make me glow like an orange ball

Never let me die, become a black hole.

Father you are the light, you are all

Let your goodness twinkle in my eyes

For times dark or bright, let your blessings always sparkle my life.

Christmas herbs and dew drops.

I have reblogged this, I hope that’s fine with you. Thanks.


Did you know that the name for the herb Rosemary comes from Latin and literally means ‘rose or dew of the sea’? What a whimsically beautiful translation.

I read the other day that rosemary is a very Christmassy herb, which I was quite surprised by.  I have never really thought of it as such.  Spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves, yes, but I don’t think there is a single herb that I would instinctively think of as being particularly linked to the seasonal festivities of Christmas.

So I started to do a little investigating into rosemary.  I know it well as a culinary herb and a very useful essential oil, but why a Christmas herb? Well, it turns out there is a huge amount written about the traditions, customs, folklore and superstitions attached to rosemary.  It may well have Christmas associations, but this herb has so many other meanings attached to…

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Mahvash Sabet’s “The Prayer of the Tree”

the Book of Pain

Mahvash Sabet is a Bahá’í prisoner of conscience currently serving an unjust 20 year sentence in Iran. Read more of her story here.

The Prayer of the Tree

That hapless tree that sat through all the winter months out there
naked in the snow and ice, it’s shivering branches bare,
broken, wind-torn, bleak and dreary,
bent by the changing seasons, weary,
has finally had an answer to its prayer.
See how the kind Creator full of loving care
has decked it in new garments, fresh and rare!
Have you seen how green it is at last, how finally dressed, how fair?


Can one not but be amazed that anyone, sick and unjustly imprisoned for their faith, could still find the tenderness and gentleness in their heart to write such a delicate and joyous poem? Shame to the Iranian authorities for such an injustice!

Please consider purchasing Mahvash Sabet’s poetry as…

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Mahvash Sabet’s “The Imaginary Garden”

the Book of Pain

There was once a woman
green as the spring,
who planted her hands in a garden.
And another woman,
red as her heart
who plucked light from the bars of a prison.
And now here I am
with my own patch of soil,
growing a garden
in this tiny cell,
with poppies of love for each pane.

You need just one flower–
that’s all it takes–
to open the windows of sight.
A single verse
is quite enough
to illumine the eyes with light.

So I’ll tie my bags to the foot of the breeze
and soar high up to the top of the trees
in my garden that grows inside.
And I’ll spread wings to reach you
and soar high to teach you
how windows can open wide.
You don’t need much:
one poppy is all
it takes to open to love.
One verse is sufficient
to fill the…

View original post 124 more words

Winter Breeze

Chilly winter breeze

Soft morning glow to please

Warm woolens caressing the bodies

Cozy warmth of the houseleather chair

Comfortable leather chair to sink into

Hot coffee in hand

Christmas songs playing in the background

Days come and go

Soon it will be Christmas time

Then a sweet farewell to the old year

Will mark the beginning of a new year


Contentment is hard to find

I want everything –

Sun, moon and stars,

Sapphire, rubies and gold,gemstones

Money lots of it, to buy it all.

Then, I realize that I can’t buy everything,

So I want nothing.

As desires are hard to get rid of,

It seems I still want a few things –

hugsCheerful smiles, friendly hugs, token of love,

Beauty sleep, healthy food to eat and a protective den to keep me safe.

Nothing – a problem, as you don’t have a thing.

Everything too is a problem, as ego seeps in.

With the ever growing desires dwelling in mind,

Contentment is always hard to find.

Blogging a crystal globe

Blogging – my sweet home and its people my friends and family.

Blogging – my growing community of circle.

Blogging – an addiction that I find hard to resist.

Blogging – a habit that has helped me to grow everyday.

Blogging – a life support system introducing me to varied topics/people from all across the globe.

Blogging – something that I enjoy.

Blogging – my absence, leaves me guilty.

Blogging – my crystal globe.

Blogging – a kaleidoscope of different colours and patterns.