
PHOTO PROMPT – © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

PHOTO PROMPT – © Rochelle Wisoff- Fields

“Harold, I love this place… specially the woodwork.”

“Let’s finalize the place, then.”

“Yes! But there is only one problem – dirt and dust. You know I don’t like that.”

“My, love don’t you worry about cleaning.”

Both Harold and his wife could see a car coming their way.

“See, I told you no worries. Humans are here. If they’ll stay, they’ll clean.” said Harold in a soft tone.

They both started laughing as the new tenants walked right through them.

Rochelle Wisoff- Fields-Addicted to Purple is the place where every Friday a photo is shared with an aim to write a fiction around it in 100 words or less. Anyone who wants to participate can click at FRIDAY FICTIONEERS to know about the rules.


Globe Gobble

Barbara Beacham is the kind host of Monday’s Finish the Story. Every week a photo and the first sentence of the story is shared and the challenge is to finish the story in 100 – 150 words. Thanks Barbara for this week’s photo and the challenge. For this week thanks to Eric Wickland of Momusnews for giving us the first line to go with the photo.

Finish the story begins with:  At first, it looked like an ordinary marble, but it was far from it. 2015-06-15-bw-beacham

A walk by the beach was a daily ritual for me. Today was no different…sea gulls, lonely shore, ferocious waves and cool sea breeze. Casting an impression on the soft wet sand, I walked.

Something shone in the sand like a piece of sun fallen from the sky. I went near it.

“Ah! What a beautiful marble.” I said, and picked it up.

I found a perfect place for it at home – in a bowl full of sea shells.

Touch…it wanted to be touched…more than once. I had picked it up twice and touched it more than three times marveling at its hollow beauty.

Spell…an unknown spell was broken and I could see liquid gold gushing through its cracks.

Fire…it breathed life and turned into a ball of fire.

It didn’t burn me, but I stared at it. Hollow turned into pure beauty. In a moment everything changed.

Shift…our gaze had interchanged. Now it was observing me from outside.

Trapped… I wondered if I’ll be visible to Billy when he comes home.