
On My Way

Determination alone cannot catapult you to achieving your goals. I realized this as I was quite determined to start my walks a few days back. Although determination being a strong contender I was still unable to find a suitable time for my walks.

I had been wanting to go walking – mornings or evenings, it didn’t matter. I just wanted it back in my routine.

Wanting is not equivalent to willing. “I want to go for walks,” I kept saying to myself. I had scribbled “walking” for 8 or 9p.m. in my dairy. I kept looking at it day after day. In my mind’s track I would have already walked a mile. Determination was proving to be futile. The more I jumped on the determination boat, the waves of procrastination drived me back and I swallowed disappointment.

Everyday I stared at my dairy with a willpower so strong that I could feel the adrenaline rushing in my legs from my past walks. Now I had scribbled “walking” for 5 or 6 in the morning. For another few days the process was repeated – ogling at my dairy along with visualization. This time it was a little different as I said, “I will go for my walks.” I took it as a positive sign.

There was still a problem – I don’t get up before 6:30 or 7. I am a morning person but not an early riser.

red flower

Today, I finally did it. I got up at 5.30 a.m.

In the park, freshness of the morning greeted me with a red flower (bottle brush, I think). The bright colour added to its fresh look and suggested only one thing – will power. Seated on a throne of green leaves it smiled ready to begin its day. I knew it had spoken to me. Before the moment could melt away in time, I cast a clicking spell and froze it in my mobile. It was my reward for the day.

Inspired by this little reward I will surely go for a walk tomorrow and then day after tomorrow and… untill my will power wanes off. I’ll wait till today comes to an end and I begin another day with a fresh start – a new day, a new tomorrow.

Let’s see what else do I find tomorrow on my way to my morning walk.