Unwanted Things From Past

This is a story for Friday Fictioneers, which is hosted by Rochelle. Every week you are challenged to write a 100 word story based on a photo.

For this week’s photo, thanks to Sarah Potter and Rochelle for hosting the challenge.

A special thanks to all the readers for their time as well.

PHOTO PROMPT © Sarah Potter

While cleaning our basement, I found a lot of old stuff. What caught my attention were these shoes.  I could not recall whose these were.

My husband’s… no.

My father’s…sure not. He hated brown.

It’s so old that I can’t even tell their colour. Anyways, I pick them up and throw them in a box of “unwanted things from the past”.

As I throw them, I catch a strand from the past and everything reels before me.

“Grandpa!” How could I forget him? I remembered how I walked on his feet… on these shoes. Now I remember them right.

12 thoughts on “Unwanted Things From Past

    • Sometimes it’s strange that you forget the things and people from the past though unintentionally, as you maybe get old or get busy with other things in your life. But it’s always a relief to remember something good from the past.
      Thanks for reading and commenting Iain. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Lovely story. Old things have the magic to trigger the past memories. I have the same feeling with you. I stored lots of sentimental items which could remind me of the past. I’m always reluctant to let them go because they have already become a part of me. But I tried to get rid of some of them after I began a campaign about throwing useless stuff. Even it’s hard to discard or donate them, I think it’s good to make some deduction of my life and keep my living environment clean.


    • I agree with you. Old things have a way of rekindling the past memories. Some people find it hard to let go off the old things and the past as well.
      I loved ‘the 100 thing challenge’ in your blog.


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