New Neighbour

This is a story for Friday Fictioneers, which is hosted by Rochelle. Every week you are challenged to write a 100 word story based on a photo.

Thanks to Victor and Sarah Potter for this week’s photo and also to Rochelle for hosting the challenge.

Thanks to all the readers for their time, too.

PHOTO PROMPT © Victor and Sarah Potter

Marie’s stay at the spiritual retreat was relaxing.

Her home smelled of closed container, as she unlocked it.

Keeping her luggage, she walked towards the kitchen to find something to eat.

She made some scrambled eggs. Pulling the stool to sit, she screamed like a siren at her new neighbour — Mr.Spider —who was dangling like a disco-ball on top of her head.

Her eyes moved everywhere… looking for something… a weapon.

The kill was made. Marie’s gaze fixed on the latest edition of the spiritual magazine….now in dustbin. On it was written: Act and be kind to all living beings.

24 thoughts on “New Neighbour

    • Happy to share smiles and laughter with you Rochelle. 😀
      Thanks for reading and commenting Rochelle.
      Since it is my first FF for January, wishing you and all your loved ones a very happy new year, Rochelle. 🙂


  1. Your well written tale made me chuckle. I believe in being kind to all living things, too, but in my mind this means dispatching them swiftly and not making them suffer needlessly. So Marie’s passed the test of kindness by my standards. 😉

    Belated Happy New year to you, and thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂


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