A Gift from Mars

Friday is here, and so is Rochelle’s FRIDAY FICTIONEERS . I have no idea what this is; however, I’ve managed to weave a story.

Photo Prompt - Copyright Marie Gail Stratford

Hey! What’s that Bob?

Ah! This. It is from Mars.

A new friend….

No, silly…from planet mars.


I think, I went to mars yesterday.

Bob, I think you’ve had too many drinks yesterday.

No…no, Maggie just listen to me. I was walking down the alley when someone asked me to enter into a dark warehouse kind of a place. I don’t remember much after that but I got up in my own apartment this morning. Something was poking me. I checked my back pocket and there it was – A gift from Mars.

Take my advise – don’t drink too much today or you’ll reach Pluto.




Five Days of Black&White

I would like to thank Lore from Snow’s Fissures and Fractures for nominating me for the “five days of black and white photography challenge”. This post was long due but as I was struggling with time I could not post earlier. However, as I now get to play along I’m really happy. 🙂

For day 1 I would like to share this photo.

rajnigandha flower buds

rajnigandha flower buds

Everyday is a new gift with new possibilities and endless realities. Life is sweet and fragrant only if you’d stop, to savour a moment’s beauty. I had bought the stem of rajnigandha flower on a rather sad day. But while photographing the buds I saw its beauty and felt happiness seep into my heart. Rajnigandha is one of my favourite flowers.

I would like to tag Della from The Passion Dew for this challenge. She is a brilliant photographer and I love her photos. I’m sure you’ll be glued to her blog once you are there.

I would love to see you participate. I would also totally understand if you would decide not to participate for any reason.

The rules of this challenge are:

  1. For 5 consecutive days create a post any past or present photo in black and white.
  2. Each day you invite a new photographer to join the fun.